In the Beginning.

I was here.

Testing out header sizes.

And learning as I go.

Please be patient!

Pardon the mess. Getting things sorted around here. A good portion of this is just gonna be me learning about HTML.

Jump to the list of recipes.

Making things bold and italicized.

Adding an image...

Oh, wow. That's big. Why don't we try to make that smaller?

A fairy from Breath of the Wild


Okay, let's stick to the smaller one. Next, let's try moving it over a little.

Or we could center it.

List of some recipes in BOTW and TOTK

Part of me really wants to scream. Like AAAAAA! Or AAAAAAA. Or maybe even aaaaaa... Or what about WHA?!?!?! Maybe I could even say FUCK...or maybe not. It's not a good idea to curse when there's children here. Wait...why are there kids here? This website is rated PG-13! Get outta here, you whippersnappers.

Here are some facts about the enemies in Breath of the Wild.

Bokoblins appear as the most common and standard Enemies in Breath of the Wild, often encountered in primitive Monster Strongholds and enemy camps.

Oh, you must pardon me. I forgot you have no way of making it up to that Divine Beast on your own! Good luck sealing the darkness! - Champion Revali

NoA's current president is Doug Bowser.

Doug Bowser
Redmond, Washington

Saturn Devouring His Son by Francisco Goya.

My, how confusing!

To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!

This has to be my favorite town theme from Breath of the Wild!
Wait, or maybe this one.

Hit me up!

Zelda shows Link a Hot-Hooted Frog.